Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Liquid Courage - Facilitation approaches to mindfulness

Our mind tends to go to the same place when we are asked a question, out of force of habit.  By responding to a questions a number of times, we can encourage a kind of internal diversity of thought that may provide helpful perspectives or unexpected realizations or approaches.


Liquid Courage

Here are some sample questions.  You can be playful (song lyrics, movie titles – the idea is to be provocative, playful and a little ambiguous)

If only I could stop…

Trying to stop makes me…

In order to stop, I have to …

It will be stopped when …

When all is said and done, I want …


Spiral Journal


Paper and pen or pencil (fine point), and a surface to write on


Preparation (participants can do this)

On a sheet of paper, draw a plus sign (the page will now be divided into four quadrants).

Label the upper left quadrant "Saw"

Label the upper right quadrant "Did"

Label the lower left quadrant "Heard"

Leave the lower right quadrant blank



In a moment, I am going to ask you to draw a spiral.  Please wait before you being.  I am going to ask you to draw the tightest spiral you can, and to draw it as slowly as you can.  Starting at the center of the plus, begin drawing a spiral.  Slow it down.  Even slower.  Make it as slow and tight as you can.  Take your time (give them about two minutes, with occasional encouragements to slow it down, keep it tight.


Now, in about 30 seconds, write down about 7 things you've seen today.  Starting from when you woke up, write down the first thing that comes to mind.  Don't edit it, and you can't get it wrong.  Don't worry if you just have a few items. 


Now write down seven things you heard today, whatever comes to mind (wait about 30 seconds).  Now write down about seven things you did today (wait about 30 seconds).  Take a few moments and look over what you wrote in all three lists, and in the remaining quadrant, draw a picture that captures some theme, or significance, or meaning you are making around what you wrote.  Don't worry about what it looks like, and try not to use words (wait about a minute).


Ask "What was that like?"



Liberating Structures - http://www.liberatingstructures.com/

Brene Brown – Vulnerability Ted Talk https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_on_vulnerability




Greg Myers 
Develop composure, cultivate compassion, and use your influence for good (after the Dalai Lama)




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