Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Effective Teams

Daniel Coyle researched effective teams across a wide variety of domains, and suggests there are three characteristics of high-performing teams. They:

  1. Build safety
  2. Share Vulnerabilities
  3. Establish purpose


One way to evaluate the effectiveness of our Agile practices is by the degree to which they build or support the three characteristics above.


In this session, we used a Fish Bowl format, with 3 people in chairs, and one empty chair.  The three folks in the chairs started off talking about their experiences around building safety.  When someone in the larger group had a question or wanted to make a comment, they sat in the empty chair, and one of the three existing folks in the fishbowl rotated out.


My perspective was that there was a great deal of tension and pain around teams where safety and vulnerability were absent, though a participant from the Netherlands suggested that this was not as large an issue in the Netherlands


Greg Myers 


Develop composure, cultivate compassion, and use your influence for good (after the Dalai Lama)



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